Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Social Networking (online) the new after work watering hole

If you are like millions of us who can’t wait to get online and catch up with what’s going on with friends and associates. You are part of a new craze called social networking online. In these tough economic times regular folks can’t afford to stop at a bar after work, and have an appetizer/cocktail before heading home. While most people do enjoy the food and drinks, associated with stopping at a bar, they really look forward to socializing and making business contacts in an informal setting. Well ladies and gentlemen the answer to everyone’s economic roadblock has become online social networking. The sites are so user friendly and fun, you can even send virtual food and drinks to friends at some of the sites, like Facebook, Myspace, and twitter to name a few.
The most exciting part of online social networking for most people is the opportunity to reconnect with friends and past business associates. Once you join an online social networking site, they will assist you in getting the word out that you have an online presence. You can send out invitations to everyone in your email database to join your social network and keep in constant contact, at their convenience.
From a business prospective, it is absolutely the best way to make new contacts. Not only will you reconnect with your friends and associates, but you will have an opportunity to invite their friends to become friends with you, expanding your contacts. There is no other venue where you can make as many contacts all over the world, without leaving the comfort of your own home.
When you are using your social network site for business contacts, be mindful to act the same as you would at a live venue. For example; if you were at a bar or club you would not walk over to someone, an immediately start spewing out everything about your business. So don’t do that on your social networking site. Take the time to get to know your new contacts by having casual online conversations with them with short text messages. When they become interested in you they will explore your social network profile, and ask you for more information about your profession, and how could they get into the industry.
I recommend everyone find the right social network for them, join today and start to explore a whole new world.

This New Year Change You

Here we are again at the end of another year in our lives. All of us will get up on New Year’s Day and make a vow to change certain things in our lives. A great majority of us will target the same areas, money and health. Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but most of you reading this article have made the same commitment for the last ten New Years. What will be different this year from last year?
I already know it will be virtually impossible to find a parking spot at the fitness center starting in January. I already know everyone will get their credit card statement and say “next year I’m not buying all this Christmas stuff.” I know all these things because they are a repeat of last year and the year before that. It’s like the movie ground hog day where every day, Bill Murray woke up to the same reality.
Well now that we have addressed our lack of follow through, let’s talk about changing our old way of doing business. The word change is the key to our discussion, because in order to change our reality, we need to change. We have heard this word all through the election and we are still hearing it, but what does it mean to you.
One of my favorite phrases is “if you can’t change the people around you, change the people around you.” It’s a well studied principle that if you add up the annual income of your five closest friends and find the average income, it will equal your annual income. The reason for this is people generally associate with people they are financially comfortable around.
Whether it’s money or health, you are who you associate with, if your friends eat poorly, on average you will do the same. I want to conclude this article by creating a desire within yourself to really make a commitment to your goals for the coming Year.
First put your goals in writing, and post them somewhere that you will be able to see them every day. Next if possible find other people who have similar goals and form an integrity team. The people on the integrity team will be committed to calling each other and making sure each person is staying on track. Last but not least, make your goals obtainable. If you set unrealistic goals, you will quit on them, because you will know they can’t be accomplished.